My latest project has been this little diorama, Built around a lovely 1/72 scale gandalf figure from the Caeser miniatures Fantasy adventurers box-set.
The model is built onto a 1x1 inch cube plinth.
The rockwork is torn cork and the ruins of moria are constructed from plasticard and super sculpey firm.
This model is for sale and if you're interested feel free to post a comment or send me a message.
I actually started this diorama a few weeks ago but had it languishing on my workbench unpainted amongst a sea of unfinished projects. I decided that as i wanted to loosen up my painting style and practice adding in lighting,effects and crosshatching into my toolset that this would be a good practice piece. I always say that you should never be precious over your work, Never be a perfectionist, and so I thought i should probably take my own advice and try to get this guy done fast.
In the end I got him painted in a single night.
The robes are built up from citadel charcharadon granite and Game colour cold grey, mixed from pure GW to pure GC , then weathered with model mates green moss and mud brown wash.
The rocks are charchradon granite and army painter oak brown mixed up to a pure brown, With added highlights of whitened brown on the areas I felt would most catch the light of the wizards staff.
I added some dust using MIG pigments, bound with water and then given a quick blast of testors dullcoat. The great thing about this is that your pigment turns a very dusty grey whilst keeping its colour underneath, So you get the effect of built up dust and cobwebs, As seen on the steps.

And a quick shot of the unpainted base to show the work on it.
A tip for making ruins from sculpey is to roll out a flat plate of sculpey onto tin foil, Cut it to shape and sculpt your ruins as a relief.You can put this straight into the over and then round our the shape with a file/sculpting tools.